Thursday, April 14, 2005


Soren's Granddaddy and GrandBiba (aka Besta, aka "GB") flew in from Florida last weekend to gaze upon the boy. New Mexico greeted them with 50 mph winds and snow. But Mr. Soren welcomed them to Mongrel Farms with smiles interspersed with some "squalls." We all piled into the minivan and headed out to Santa Fe for an adventure which included fossil hunting and Soren's first showdown with 'Johnny Law.' On Sunday, Soren and his G-daddy hit the sleeping chair for some marathon catnapping before the flight back to Jax.

Soren is now 9 weeks old. He had a checkup with Dr. Bebe Han this week - 10 lbs, 12 oz and 23.5 inches (the nurse screwed this up - He's actually 24 inches).

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