Thursday, April 21, 2005

current events

Soren will be 11 weeks old this Saturday. He weighs 11 lbs. 12 oz, and is 24 inches long. He's on Atkins and managed to gain a pound in seven days with the aid of his mother and a little bit of similac as a supplement.

We're seing a lot of new developments in Soren's motor skills. He's discovered his feet and hands and will flail his little jimmy arms in the direction of something or someone he wants to grasp. Occasionally, he'll reach right out and grab what he wants with very little groping about. He's also a big talker. When Katherine and I talk on the phone I can hear him in the background yelling at her or no one in particular.

We're thinking Soren is on the cusp of a new sleep routine. Last night, he slept from 10:30 pm to 7:30 am. He then arose for a morning ripaste and retired for another couple of hours. All told that's more sleep than Katherine has had in 11 weeks. Here's to the boy embracing sleep!

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