Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Evening Bjorn Ride Posted by Hello

Agony Posted by Hello

Ecstasy Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005

current events

Soren will be 11 weeks old this Saturday. He weighs 11 lbs. 12 oz, and is 24 inches long. He's on Atkins and managed to gain a pound in seven days with the aid of his mother and a little bit of similac as a supplement.

We're seing a lot of new developments in Soren's motor skills. He's discovered his feet and hands and will flail his little jimmy arms in the direction of something or someone he wants to grasp. Occasionally, he'll reach right out and grab what he wants with very little groping about. He's also a big talker. When Katherine and I talk on the phone I can hear him in the background yelling at her or no one in particular.

We're thinking Soren is on the cusp of a new sleep routine. Last night, he slept from 10:30 pm to 7:30 am. He then arose for a morning ripaste and retired for another couple of hours. All told that's more sleep than Katherine has had in 11 weeks. Here's to the boy embracing sleep!

Soren in 'business casual' attire Posted by Hello

Bad monkey is caught! Posted by Hello

lashing out at bad monkey Posted by Hello

Soren under the watchful gaze of bad monkey Posted by Hello

Mr. Tongue Posted by Hello

Below the Brazos Cliffs Posted by Hello

meltdown on the trail Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Soren's Granddaddy and GrandBiba (aka Besta, aka "GB") flew in from Florida last weekend to gaze upon the boy. New Mexico greeted them with 50 mph winds and snow. But Mr. Soren welcomed them to Mongrel Farms with smiles interspersed with some "squalls." We all piled into the minivan and headed out to Santa Fe for an adventure which included fossil hunting and Soren's first showdown with 'Johnny Law.' On Sunday, Soren and his G-daddy hit the sleeping chair for some marathon catnapping before the flight back to Jax.

Soren is now 9 weeks old. He had a checkup with Dr. Bebe Han this week - 10 lbs, 12 oz and 23.5 inches (the nurse screwed this up - He's actually 24 inches).

out Posted by Hello

Grasping the small creature Posted by Hello

Mr. Bib w/ GrandBiba Posted by Hello

Snoozersen and Snoozersen, Sr. Posted by Hello

Confabulating with Granddaddy Posted by Hello

Laughing with GrandBiba Posted by Hello

First encounter with the grandparents Posted by Hello

Soren's orb-like features Posted by Hello

Sleeping Beauties Part Deux Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Resting with toys Posted by Hello

Swing time with puppy Posted by Hello

Soren with his Aunt Sarah Posted by Hello

Olin Mills Style Posted by Hello

Soren takes the 2nd verse of Lukenback, Tx Posted by Hello

Terry Cloth Afternoon Posted by Hello