Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Mr. Road Trip

Søren took his first road trip last weekend. We packed up the funwagon with diapers, blankets, cotton balls, and dog, and headed out to the storied 'Hi-Lo Country' of northeastern New Mexico. There Søren marvelled at the surreal landscape of plains, mesas, extinct shield volcanoes, and the fetching Folsom Inn in quaint Folsom, New Mexico. We were all thirsty after a long day on the road, and this seemed like a propitious time for Søren's first trip to a bar. So we decided to check out the "Inn." Søren was not disappointed. There was a jukebox and Søren danced with his mama to a Lynard Skynard song ("The Breeze") and stared at the mangy bear skin on the wall whilst his dad breathed down a Corona.

On Day 2 we headed back to Albertucky via the stunning Moreno Valley and Taos. Søren slept through much of the scenery. In fact he slept until we were about a mile from the house when he suddenly decided he'd had enough of this road trip and demanded that it end immediately. Nevertheless, it's apparent that Søren is generally game for party and adventure, and I suspect he'll be itching to hit the road again soon.

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