Friday, March 25, 2005

Absolutely Fabulous

It's been a couple of weeks since I reported on Søren's activities. In short, he's growing. Some times he looks tiny (e.g., when he's in his chair). But more often he looks like a time lapse film of a weed shooting up through the snow. His girth is not particularly remarkable, but the boy is stretching out! His newborn clothes are all highwaters now. So, he's wearing 3 month old clothes which, because his growth is primarily along one axis, hang off his little body. His head is getting bigger and rounder and more baby-like. His hair? We can't figure out what's going on there. He's still got the Ed Asner/Phil Collins parking lot, but his hair is like three different colors now - brown, blond and auburn.

Other developments? Baths, trips to the Bio Park, and smiles ahoy! Søren is starting to play - particularly in the morning. It's a beautiful thing when you're up to your elbows in dirty diaper to look down and see those wide eyes and beautiful old man's toothless grin....

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