Friday, March 25, 2005

Absolutely Fabulous

It's been a couple of weeks since I reported on Søren's activities. In short, he's growing. Some times he looks tiny (e.g., when he's in his chair). But more often he looks like a time lapse film of a weed shooting up through the snow. His girth is not particularly remarkable, but the boy is stretching out! His newborn clothes are all highwaters now. So, he's wearing 3 month old clothes which, because his growth is primarily along one axis, hang off his little body. His head is getting bigger and rounder and more baby-like. His hair? We can't figure out what's going on there. He's still got the Ed Asner/Phil Collins parking lot, but his hair is like three different colors now - brown, blond and auburn.

Other developments? Baths, trips to the Bio Park, and smiles ahoy! Søren is starting to play - particularly in the morning. It's a beautiful thing when you're up to your elbows in dirty diaper to look down and see those wide eyes and beautiful old man's toothless grin....

It ain't easy being me Posted by Hello

pondering dessert Posted by Hello

I am a morning person Posted by Hello

waking up Posted by Hello

morning play Posted by Hello

Soren's Bio Park Posse Posted by Hello

Soren's Bio Park outing with his pals Posted by Hello

Mr. Batherson Posted by Hello

The Boy's first real bath Posted by Hello

sweet boy Posted by Hello

The Sports Animal Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Granny Sus (aka Mumsy/Mugsy) came from Georgia to see Mr. Soren, pass on a few parenting tips, and help us fold some laundry. Soren busted out all his best Kung Fu in an effort to impress. We call his style of Kung Fu, "Sleep, Eat Hourly, Poop & Eat Some More" Fist. His Granny reciprocated with an awesome shadow puppet show which kept the boy entertained on the long drive back to Albuquerque from Mountainair. Soren can't wait to see his Granny again!

March snow @ Mongrel Farms Posted by Hello

Soren's 1st blizzard Posted by Hello

snowren Posted by Hello

swinger Posted by Hello

Why I like colors and clowns Posted by Hello

Soren at the "cleaners" Posted by Hello

Whose head is bigger? Posted by Hello

Don't do anything until I come back Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Senor Sleeperson w/Mumsy Posted by Hello

Confabulating w/Mumsy Posted by Hello

Mr. Desitin's Child Posted by Hello

First bottled dinner Posted by Hello

Baby Whisperer Posted by Hello

My Precious.... Posted by Hello