Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Søren Henry Olsen is in the house!

Søren Henry Olsen entered this world at 2:05 p.m on Saturday the 5th of February, 2005. He weighed in at a trim 6 lbs. 11 oz. and measured 20.5 inches*. We will regale all comers with the saga of his birth in detail when there is more time for confabulation around these parts. In short, he is beautiful. We cannot put him down and have spent most of the last four days in our bedroom beguiled by his impressive range of behaviors - sleeping, eating, burping, yawning, and other "business."

The posted photos are from his birthday through today (February 9). More to come!

* Length at birth reflected "E.T." or "Nefertiti" like extension of posterior region of head which dissipated within a few hours.

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