Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Consumer

Søren is now in his 3rd week and eating like that one camper from the movie "Meatballs" featuring Bill Murray. You know which one I'm talking about? The kid who ate all the steaming hotdogs in the hotdog-eating contest with the other kid in the overalls from the rival camp full of rich kids. Yes, that one.

Measurements taken at Søren's last doctor's appt revealed that he had gained a pound and grown an inch in seven days. That was more than a week ago and his appetite is picking up. I'm guessing 8.5 to 9 lbs at this point. He is, as Kurt Vonnegut would have said, a "perfect eating machine." I suppose that makes Katherine a "perfect feeding machine." I think, however, that Katherine wouldn't mind if he took one night off to sleep instead of eat every 3 hrs.

Søren is also entering a new developmental stage. He's sleeping less and more interactive. Visual stimulation, music, close talking - He's now into this kind of stuff.

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