Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Wisdom of Soren

Soren is becoming a regular Will Rogers with his keen observations. Here's an example. While driving the other day, we were passed by this Toyota pickup with a 6 ft. lift kit and 80" tires. It was listing badly to one side and would likely have rolled over had there been a 5 mph crosswind. Soren described this vehicle as a "smooth road Monster Truck."

Soren has recently been using a piece of ribbon as his "fishing stick" for catching his toys. Yesterday, he caught a small, articulated George W. Bush doll with his fishing stick and announced that we would be having "man meat for dinner."

Several weeks ago, Soren asked for dessert. I told him he could have some grapes, to which he responded in disgust, "No! Those are just vitamins!"

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