Thursday, May 31, 2007

Landlubber's queries

Soren has entered his pirate phase. While enamored of things piratish, he scoffs at the idea that he might be a pirate. Rather, Katherine and I are pirates; "mommy pirate" and "daddy pirate," respectively. Sometimes when Soren is rushed, he refers to Katherine simply as "M. Pirate." Heard recently, "Mommy pirate? Do landlubbers eat cheese?"

Sporting the lai

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Keiki with coconut

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Soren sports his barbie ring on his "skateboard"

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Kahana Bay

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Yeah, Hawaii!

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Kailua sand box

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Byodo Inn

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Byodo Inn gardens

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lava, sea and sky

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pool boy

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Shark's Cove

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Chinatown, Honolulu

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war tiki

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Lunch at La Mariana, a super old tiki bar

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a great affection for toasted white bread

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Hawaii's l'il original gangster

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watching the waterfalls (waves)

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bars and beautiful view

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up the hill with Kelly

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tidal pool

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dreaming with cherished leaf

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the Pali cliffs

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