Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Don't Eat!

The other day I was in the kitchen making something to eat. Soren was sitting on the floor in the middle of the hallway/living room. I glanced over to check on him and saw he had something in his hand and maybe in his mouth. Not knowing what it was, I told him firmly (but gently) from the other room not to put whatever it was in his mouth. When I got over to where he was I found a little roach, struggling to right itself, lying next to him on the floor. I explained that the roach was an "uh oh" and that we "don't eat" roaches. To which Soren responded, "Don't eat! Don't eat!" Incredulous, I asked him, "Did you just say 'don't eat?'" "Don't eat!", he replied.


kaninchen said...

WoW! His first words?
I guess because it was so dramatic, he had to respond?

Brian43NY said...

Only in New Mex would a childs first words be about roaches.