Monday, October 17, 2005


Soren is now 8.5 months old. He's been pretty verbal for a while, and has developed his own little infant ebonics. It's taken us a while to become familiar with his vernacular, but there are some recognizable words/sounds. A couple are "date" and the "t" sound. He's REALLY into lights and fans, and we noticed that he would call out those sounds whilst staring blankly into the track lights as a zephyr breeze from the ceiling fan blew across his pleased little countenance. Katherine figured out one day that he was trying to say, "light." He just couldn't do the "ligh" part. We always enunciate the "T" in "light", and so he was doing the same thing. However, he's been working on it and now he say "light." Note, he still can't do the "l," so its more of a "yight" or "aaaight." I think this counts as a word. Word!

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