Saturday, September 24, 2005

Mr. Skills

Soren is 7.5 months old. 7 months must be the threshold at which a baby's brain becomes spongy and absorbent. You can literally sit with him and watch him learn from minute to minute. He'll watch you and ape your physical gestures (i.e., the 'high five'). But he'll also listen to himself talk and experiment with the expression through modulation, volume, etc. He's also got a whole new passel of looks and facial expressions. The other new development is his obvious craving for some autonomy via mobility. He sits up and can move himself around by rolling; but he clearly wants to crawl and he REALLY wants to stand up and walk. He's even pulled himself up to a standing position by holding on to me. It's amazing how quickly all this is happening. Slow down, boy!

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