Sunday, August 07, 2005

Family Vacation

We got back a couple of weeks ago from our trip to Florida. The trip represented a passel of firsts for Soren - 1st trip outside the Land of Enchantment, 1st plane ride, 1st time at the beach, and his 1st time with most of my family. We spent a few days in Jax where Soren got to meet his Uncle Preben, Aunt Ray Ray, and most of the Olsen posse. The boy was feted in high style ( -see Cake photos-). We then drove over to Tallahassee for a few days to vist my Uncle Dave and the rest of the Copps clan. Living so far away from the family is that much more difficult when you have a kid because you want everyone around to see him grow up and be a part of his life. The next best thing is an epic visit like the one last month. I don't think Mr. Soren's feet touched the ground during the whole visit.

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