Sunday, August 07, 2005

morning guy Posted by Picasa

Uncle Preben & the lucky gator foot Posted by Picasa

Uncle Preben & the Cheezhound Posted by Picasa

Retro photo w/Uncle Dave and the little neph-brocito Posted by Picasa

W/Aunt Sally & mysterious toy Posted by Picasa

Soren & Pa Posted by Picasa

Soren's crew Posted by Picasa

A big whiff of baby head Posted by Picasa

Aunt Julia and Cousin Ben Posted by Picasa

Small creature w/Uncle Jon Posted by Picasa

Nodding off w/Aunt Julia Posted by Picasa

"The Fist" w/Cousin Will Posted by Picasa

Milky Chops, Jr. w/Cousin Elizabeth (Milky Chops, Sr.) Posted by Picasa

Cousin Will & Uncle Jon Posted by Picasa

the marbled swirl Posted by Picasa

GrandBiba lovingly prepares the baby cake Posted by Picasa

A baby with his cake Posted by Picasa

Precious Baby Cake Posted by Picasa

Soren w/Grandaddy (the younger) Posted by Picasa

Soren w/Stuart Clan Posted by Picasa

Soren w/Matt & Grandadaddy Posted by Picasa

Soren and cousin Madison Posted by Picasa

poolidge Posted by Picasa

more poolidge Posted by Picasa

Boss Hogg Posted by Picasa