Friday, September 19, 2008

Good Guys and Bad Guys

Soren has a shifting fascination with various literary and cinematic characters - Brer Rabbit, Thomas, Curious George. Right now, he's mostly into "Boulder," an anthropomorphized rock with an irascible personality perched atop a lofty mountain. Most nights Soren asks me to sing him a bedtime song about how Curious George or some other reckless animal angers Boulder, knock him loose, and watches him roll down the mountain crushing everything in his path (trees, bridges, alpine villages, etc.). Last night, Soren told Katherine that sometime Boulder is good. Katherine asked him to clarify. To which he responded that Boulder is good when he crushes bad guys, and bad when he crushes good guys.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Katherine, Soren and Preben stopped for lunch at Sonic. After consuming his burrito, Soren offered the following suggestion:

I think we have a little bit of room for an after-lunch treat. And I love 'em, and you love 'em. So I think we should just get one.
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Preben sleeps through an entire afternoon at the State Fair

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The Hellion

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Soren's first Yak

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El Vaquero de Mongrel Farms

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Plastic veggies from Ronald McDonald's Farm

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Candy? What the heck....

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We manage to keep this blog festooned with pretty pictures, but we've definitely slacked on the text. Here's some news - The New York Crew (Grandmama and Sarah) and the Jacksonvillians (Grandaddy, Besta and Uncle Preben) trekked across the Great American Desert to pay their respects to Preben the Critter Babe. Preben poured on the charm accompanied by ample quantities of nursing, drooling and wailing.