Monday, April 23, 2007

Puckish Little Guy

Soren is developing a sense of humor that shows an appreciation for the absurd. For example, Katherine told him the other day that he was pretty tired and that it was nap time. He responded immediately with, "No. It's something else time." He cracked himself up pretty good over that one.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Today Katherine told Soren he was the sweetest. He responded with, "I'm the beautifulest." He's also been referring to himself as the "precious." This derives from our game of fighting over him like two gollums (Lord of the Rings - "my precious..."). Thus, one minute he's "Mommy's precious." The next he's "Daddy's precious."

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The caretaker

While playing with his sticker book, Soren was recently seen with a little dress sticker telling a doll sticker, "Let's get you a dress so you feel better."

The numbers are in

Soren went to the doctor about a month ago to be fitted for his kevlar liberation jump suit. His measurements were as follows:

Weight - 29.5 lbs (50th percentile)
Height - 36.5 inches (80-95th percentile)
Head circumference - very large

The Composer and Arranger

Soren recently busted out with the following song (sung to the tune of 'Hot Cross Buns'):

See that grass?
I eat that grass.
I am a goat,
and I eat green grass.

Visited by a very old bunny

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The rabbit keeps it real

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Soren submits to family photo

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Easter '07 with Miel

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