Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Scheming with Mama Posted by Picasa

Donner party  Posted by Picasa

Monkey boy and Goggy Posted by Picasa

The early riser Posted by Picasa

Soren with captive reader Posted by Picasa

Goggy's suitcase full of surprises Posted by Picasa

Skimming rocks Posted by Picasa

Meadow Man Posted by Picasa

Wildlife Series: Brett encounters Ferdinand Posted by Picasa

Wildlife Series: Katherine encounters Ferdinand Posted by Picasa

Wildlife Series: we all encounter the bear Posted by Picasa

Family Outing Posted by Picasa

Zoo adventure with Grandma, MV and Sarah Posted by Picasa

Seaweed Eater Posted by Picasa

The boy who loved Taka Sushi.... Posted by Picasa

Recently discovered footage of Ray with fist eater Posted by Picasa

Down the road Posted by Picasa

Smell! Posted by Picasa

Climbing Buddies Posted by Picasa

Monday A.M.  Posted by Picasa

Sweet Boy Posted by Picasa

Ray Ray's Rickshaw Posted by Picasa

El Patron in his stroller Posted by Picasa

Frito Bandido Posted by Picasa

General Lee Posted by Picasa