Tuesday, June 27, 2006

L'il Jack 'O Lantern (notice the two new teeth) Posted by Picasa

June hail (sayonara garden).... Posted by Picasa

Alright, now where is Argentina?! Posted by Picasa

Hobbit and friend Posted by Picasa

On the tchotchke trail in Taos Posted by Picasa

Trail team: dreaming of soft chair and beer Posted by Picasa

Taos Ski Valley  Posted by Picasa

trail rat Posted by Picasa

the missile Posted by Picasa

GrandBiba's exquisite lenses Posted by Picasa

Hitting the trail with Grandaddy Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hey, something is missing! Posted by Picasa

playing ball with Uncle Amu Posted by Picasa

Dreaming of breakfast steak Posted by Picasa

5 Baby Birthday Breakdown Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Tractor Ride  Posted by Picasa

Team John Deere Posted by Picasa

Hey, I'm all out of diaper couches! Posted by Picasa

run away! Posted by Picasa

Memorial Day 2005 -  Posted by Picasa

Memorial Day 2006 - Soren & Magdalena - kids Posted by Picasa