Monday, July 11, 2005

The Texas Prancer Posted by Picasa

The latest edition to the Marvel Comics family of superheroes Posted by Picasa

Ready to roll (over) Posted by Picasa

Bjorn-ing w/Yellow Man  Posted by Picasa

partyin' after work Posted by Picasa

roll over, son.... Posted by Picasa

poolidge Posted by Picasa

joshin' Posted by Picasa

pesky gator Posted by Picasa

Retro w/Dapper Dan Posted by Picasa

scared of gators Posted by Picasa

lucky boy part deux Posted by Picasa

lucky boy Posted by Picasa

Easy Chair time w/Grandma Posted by Picasa

snoopin' Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The past month

I am a terrible father.

There's much to report since the last post (early June...gasp). Soren is 5.5 months old as of yesterday and has been entertaining many visitors this summer. His Mumsy and G'randy made the trek from Georgia in early June, followed by his Grandmother Mary w/Aunt M.V. from the Greater Fabius, NY metroplex (by way of San Diego). It's fantastic that despite our residence here at the end of the Earth in Abq., Soren's forebears are doing their part to make sure he knows who in Kevin Hale his family is. He's taking his first trip outside NM this Thursday when we fly to Jax to see his Pop's clan in swampy North Florida. The logistics of baby travel seem pretty daunting. We're not leaving until Thursday, but this lengthy list of necessary items is distilling in my head (i.e., car seat, car seat platform for car, stroller, video camera, etc...) and making me grimace.

Soren's feats over the last month can only be described as A M A Z I N G! To wit, last night we were enjoying our supper of raw fish at Mariscos Altamar on Albuquerque's enchanting West Mesa when Soren started getting a little 'fidgety' in our booth. Katherine produced the pacifier from somewhere and he took to it like a duck on a june bug. Things really got exciting when, after the pacifier fell into Soren's lap, he grabbed in his mantislike hands and began maneuvering it toward his slobbering little maw! Breathlessly, we watched as he tried to jam it into his mouth three different ways until - bingo! - he succesfully aligned the nipple and the rest is history. I should point out that Katherine just read this and concurs that it really is "history" because "it will never happen again."

Other achievements:

Soren hates laying on his stomach. But his little neck is pretty strong now, so he holds his head up pretty well and will tolerate ... "tummy time." We've been working with him on rolling over, and he's actually managed to do it a few times on his own.

He much prefers standing up. Yes, that's right. He can stand with (great) assistance for quite a while. He quite enjoys it, and sometimes when you're try to maneuver him into a sitting position, he'll rigidly extend his legs to stand rather than sit. I'm not in any rush to see him on the move, however, as it will literally take us slackers 6 months to kid-proof this houseful of teetering bookshelves and exposed wiring.

But, despite all the cool new stuff he does every day, his best tricks are still smiling, laughing and talking to himself (and us).