Friday, June 10, 2005

Take my picture Posted by Hello

Soren w/Mumsy and Grand-Randy Posted by Hello

Mumsy and Monkey Posted by Hello

What are you eating, Randy? Posted by Hello

Cheese Hound Part Deux Posted by Hello

Good Ol' Boy

Soren will be 4.5 months old tomorrow. He's in the summer of his babyhood, and the developmental milestones seem to zoom by faster and faster. A few weeks ago he started laughing. Not just smiling, but laughing and a real person. Katherine also taught him his first trick: he mimics you when you stick your tongue out at him. Speaking of tongue, these days Mr. Soren's tongue is primarily dedicated to pushing slobber out of his mouth and all down the front of his Hawaiian shirt. All that drooling is likely a telltale sign of teething. He's talking more and trying out different voices. One of which is this sort of wildcat meets peacock kind of shriek. He generally delivers it with a smile.

We are going to have to start cutting the feet off of Soren's pajamas if he keeps on stretching out at this rate. We bought him a 3-6 month outfit last weekend and the poor boy can't even straighten his little legs out in it. I look at the postings on this website from a couple of months ago and I can't believe how fast he's growing. It won't be long before I'm posting pictures of me chasing the teenage Soren around the house in my personal mobility device. Slow down boy!