Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Herr "Comb Over" Posted by Hello

The Gnome Posted by Hello

Lawn Boy Posted by Hello

The Outlaw Posted by Hello

Memorial Day hike w/Magdalena and her pop

??? Posted by Hello

Baby Head Posted by Hello

The Trail Boss Posted by Hello

The Cheese Hound Posted by Hello

Soren's Freddie Mercury one piece stage outfit Posted by Hello

4 month celebration Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

Mr. Clean Posted by Hello

The youthful Don Ho w/Mama Posted by Hello

Friday, May 20, 2005

Turkey Leg Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The trucker relaxes at his crib Posted by Hello

18 inches and 18 wheels Posted by Hello

The album cover Posted by Hello

Los Payasos Desnudos Posted by Hello

Bustin' loose

The stucco guys came and did their business a couple of weeks ago. They did a beautiful job and even threw in a free coat of Cottonwood-finish stucco on the DSL cable running along the back side of the house. Translation: the computer was on blocks for a while. But now we're back on the information superhighway in full effect, and there is much to tell about a certain young prince of Denmark.

Søren hit 3.5 months last saturday and he is truly bustin' loose in every possible way. He was about 25.5 inches long last time we measured him, and must be somewheres around 13.5 lbs. He's a lanky fella with an irresistable, big round head. Once the weather warmed up, we started dressing him up in his simulated real person outfits - i.e. madras shirts, jeans and warmup suits. But alas, he'd already outgrown a bunch of the sweet getups waiting in the drawer for the end of winter.

There are huge developments on the developmental scene. Søren is just starting to reach for things. He'll kind of swing his paw in the direction of the bad monkey, or a finger, or whatever it is he's after. If he makes contact, the fingers go into action. He's holding his head up well enough to put him face outward in the Baby Bjorn, which makes that contraption vastly more appealing to him and concomitantly more useful to us. We're supposed to put him on his stomach periodically to assist in strengthening his neck muscles. He abhors it, so we don't really have the stomach for more than a minute or two every now and then. The poor guy. His head will probably still be flopping around when he's two.

Perhaps the biggest development - Søren started sleeping through the night a few weeks ago. He usually checks out sometime between 8:30 and midnight, and goes off like a fine Swiss time piece at 5:30 a.m. EVERY morning (sometimes he's more like a fine $6 watch from China and wakes up around 3:30 a.m.). But, in any event, there's no more of the two-hour sleep and eat business. That is (h)uge news for Katherine.

Søren has a gift for elocution. He likes to hold forth on topics known only to him for 10 minutes at a time. He also started singing recently, and likes to sing along when I play guitar to him at bedtime. He particularly likes the maudlin 70's country songs ("Gentle on my mind" comes to mind) and West African jazz.

In short, our boy is transitioning from a newborn baby to a baby's baby, and is a blast pretty much all the time...except when he refuses to take a nap - which is a lot of the time - but he's still a blast even when he's crabby.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

ready for Miami Posted by Hello

Crazy Bunzu Sounds (w/stuffed rat) Posted by Hello

Herr Madras Posted by Hello

a moment of despair Posted by Hello

beserker Posted by Hello

7:31 a.m Posted by Hello

7:30 a.m. Posted by Hello

runnin' buddies Posted by Hello